Swimmer of the Week for January 14th – 19th, 2013

Intro to Nitro

Cedar Park:Shea Wiedenmeyer– Shea is all smiles and joy throughout each practice, but recently she has stepped up her swimming skills!  She is more focused in practice and eager for more challenges.  Shea’s contagious smile and personality are not only a pleasure in practice for her coaches, but also for her teammates, she can brighten anyone’s day and get them excited about swimming too!  Way to go Shea, keep up the great work girl!

Bee Cave:Alex Goodson– Alex is relatively new to Intro to Nitro, but he is fitting in very nicely. I am very proud of his improvement in such a short time. Alex diligently works hard and constantly has a smile on his face. Great Job!


Cedar Park: Lauren Chaney– Lauren swam the B Championhip meet this weekend and she did an amazing job, she qualified herself for the 10 and under BB qualifying time. Very proud of Lauren and her progress, she is always smiling at the meet and getting excited about doing relays. Great team spirit. Keep up your hard work Lauren.

Bee Cave:Evan Ho– Evan has been improving for a while now and is definitely starting to shine.  He is a group leader and works with his teammates to become a better athlete.  In continuing his efforts, I see Evan with a big smile at his next meet.

Technique and Fitness

Cedar Park:Chloe Wilkins & Colby Pace – Chloe had a great breaststroke practice.  She worked diligently on her breaststroke  pullout,  and after hard work and  many tries finally nailed it.  Colby has improved on his technique greatly after the winter break.  He seems focused and ready for improvement.  Great job you two.  Thanks for being a part of NITRO and we’ll see you at the pool.

Bee Cave:Sydney Borick– Sydney has made some great strides in the pool since joining us. This week she put together a nice progression of her backstroke. I can tell that Sydney is becoming more and more confident in her abilities in the pool. Nice work this week Sydney!


Cedar Park:Robby Graves– Robby just recently moved up to Silver from bronze and already he is swimmer if the week. Due to his great technique and lack of a fear to ask questions.  When he doesn’t understand something he lets is know so we can help him out instead of doing a set incorrectly.  Right off the bat Robby began improves and move up in lane position. Keep it up Robby!!!!

Bee Cave:Morgan Cohn– I am asked all the time “Coach, What do you have to do to move up to Advanced Silver?” Just ask Morgan, She trains hard every night, her intensity into and out of her turns is the best I’ve seen and when she held 1:10 for a set of 75’s backstroke swimming the last one in 1:05, all I could say was WOW! So my answer is to every swimmer wanting to move up a group get your coach to say WOW with hard work, intensity, and do it with a smile! Just like Morgan. Great Job!

Advanced Silver

Cedar Park:All of the participants in the B championship meet– While they all swam well-achieving best times as well as new BB times-they also were great teammates. There were a number of times I looked down at the end of the lane to see swimmers cheering each other on during races, both individual and relay.
Great job to all who participated and I am looking forward to BB championships next weekend!

Bee Cave:William Gunawan– William is steadily becoming a stronger swimmer and we were given powerful evidence to this effect during a Challenge Sets a few weeks ago. This week he has built on that focus and technique.  Each swimmer comes to us at a different point in their development and our goal is to give them the resources, advice and expertise necessary to achieve their goals in the sport.  As such, Swimmer of the Week recipients are rarely given their accolades purely because of a singular moment of speed, effort or focus.  Will is no exception.  His consistent effort is what has made his continual progression possible and I applaud him for that.  Well done Will, keep up the great work!


Cedar Park: All the meet swimmers– Several swimmers deserve recognition here, many Gold swimmers were at the B Championship meet and qualified for the BB level meet, also at the Woodlands we had two brand new TAGS cuts one for Anthony Luo in the 200 Fly and Joseph Hunninghake in the 50 Back. Very proud of all the meet swimmers this weekend.

Bee Cave:Annie Halm– Illness is something that we deal with all the time in this sport, Annie had a bad bout with the Flu this week but back in the pool by mid week worked very hard to catch up, then on to the Woodlands meet where she had a ruff Saturday not feeling good at all, but on Sunday still not feeling 100% she stepped up to drop over 2 seconds and make a TAGS cut in the 100 breaststroke. Desire and believing in yourself is key! Way to go Annie

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