Swimmers of the Week, Olympic Trials Tickets available


Hi All —

1. There is a family who has (3) all-session passes for the upcomng Olympic Trials in Omaha end of this month. Face value plus the cost of insured shipping. Great deal. If interested, let me know, and I will put you in contact with the ticket owner.

2. Swimmers of the Week:

Swimmers of the Week

Intro to Nitro

Cedar Park:Lucas Barun – The past week was Lucas’s first week in Intro to Nitro but that did not stop him from any challenge we presented. On his first day we worked on flip turns which Lucas took to with ease. On his second day we focused on diving a little bit because of the Nitro at the Races meet on Saturday. Lucas was not only fearless of the deep end or the big red block, but he was also the best diver out of the whole class! I am looking forward to watching Lucas excel from here, keep up the great work Lucas!

Bee Cave:Blythe Rhodes– This last week Blythe has gone above and beyond what was asked of her in regards to sportsmanship. With the new schedule and all the new summer kids joining us as well as combining multiple Intro groups together, Blythe showed herself to be a true leader. She lead by example, by actively listening, introducing herself to everyone in her lane, and consistently working hard. Very good job Blythe!


Cedar Park: Jose Aroyo II– Jose has done an excellent job this week in practice, especially during the Long Course practice on Friday. Jose did not believe he could go the entire distance Long Course but he proved to himself he could. Great job Jose!!!

Bee Cave:Nina Velacheri– Nina really engages at practice. Whenever I ask for feedback or check to see if the swimmers know where they are in their set, Nina is always there with an answer. She has focus and I see it in her strokes as she thinks through how to do the drills and exercises we ask of the group. I like seeing that kind of intent, it demonstrates a level of awareness that will help her as she progresses in the sport and in life. Keep up the great work Nina!

Technique and Fitness

Cedar Park:Victoria Caldera & Mukund Pasapuleti – Victoria really worked on her IM kicking this week. Her head and body position were spot on, and her freestyle kick was nothing but white water. Mukund is stepping up his game. We’ve seen him nailing the little things. Flip-turns, pullouts, backstroke turns, open turns and streamlines. Great job you two, thanks for being a part of NITRO, and we’ll see you at the pool.

Bee Cave:August Robinson– August has been with us at Nitro over the past several months. In that time she took a hiatus, no matter how long the break August continues to show her good work ethic. She has conquered every set I lay in front of her. Her freestyle looks the same whether it’s a 25 or 400. Keep up the great work August!


Cedar Park:Bryce Flynn– Bryce has done a great job over the last week ending with a stellar Saturday from practice all the way through a swim meet. He is always asking what he can do better, and always super excited for practice to begin, and helps his fellow swimmers daily. He has a great attitude towards his swimming, and is starting to really get a hold of his swimming, and make it better. Great job Bryce, keep it up!

Bee Cave:Jack Bieter– Jack is a newer addition to Silver and is fitting in exceptionally well. Jack works very hard every day & wants to learn at each practice. His drive & determination are very clear every day he shows up. Keep up the great work Jack!

Advanced Silver

Cedar Park:Jonathan Tran– He’s absolutely stepped his training up to the next level, and all of the coaches are excited to see it. Great job, Jonathan!

Bee Cave:Kathryn Rorer– Kathryn is a good listener and shows me how much she wants to be here every time we practice. She makes a real effort to implement the changes to her strokes that the coaches suggest without getting frustrated or discouraged. Rather she sees it as an opportunity to get better and we love seeing that! Also, an honorable mention this week is Ted Beiter. Ted has been gone for a month or so, however, it is great having him back and be one of the leaders the group. Kathryn and Ted: keep up the great work!


Cedar Park: Anthony Luo– Anthony has worked extremely hard all of last week, he is by far the quietest leader we have, he leads by example on a daily basis. Great job Anthony, keep it up!

Bee Cave:Jessie Edmundson – As a new addition to Gold, Jessie has embraced the change of groups & is working very hard. She is a tremendous athlete all around, and is always encouraging her teammates. Her glowing personality is infectious to others! Great job Jessie!

Thanks for being a part of Nitro Swimming. Coach Mike.